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noob tuber

also known as a toober, n00b t00ber, and so on.
these people usually play COD, and just use grenade launchers, this is most likely because they DO NOT possess any skill in aiming and shooting their gun.
this usually makes others conform and also tube, or just rage quit and get abusive.

OMG this noob toobers need some skills. why cant he just use his rifle. bloody noob tubing camper.

"another noob tuber with no skill... grreeaatt..."

by (AIC)energizer bunny November 12, 2010

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Youtube noob

used when defining someone as new to Youtube or as an insult for them doing something nooby

"you dont answer my question by posting another comment, or i won't know for weeks. you need to press the reply button you bloody youtube noob"

by Cooper Pooper Scooper September 3, 2008

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guitar noob

A person who believes that he is a pro guitar player when in fact he is n0ob.

Ben: Hey Nick, check out that guitar noob!
Nick: Yeah, that guy sucks ass like Herman.

by Emma Yeandle April 30, 2007

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Gullible Noob

One who believes in anything computer related which sounds smart and is told to him by someone who sounds smarter.

Eliminator is such a Gullible Noob

by JDizzle2 October 9, 2006

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Halo Noob

A person who is horrible at halo, especially while play on xbox live. These people usually get pwned by almost every player they are faced against. You are often humiliated, and cussed at by the more experienced players. Not to worry, many many people are Halo Noobs which ultimately means you have a life.

PWNERXX27: Fucking halo noob!!!!111!! YOU SUCK!

YOU: At least I don't spend more than 20 hours a week playing this game!


YOU: Burn.

by rubber_duckie January 12, 2008

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Noob to Life

A noob to life is someone who plays computer games all day then when they get off are like "Whats this life thing?". The subject often forgets where he is, who he is and what time it is.

Glen is such a noob to life.

by GMFattay July 1, 2005

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Noob Box

Box/Crate(s) usually located in an online FPS game, behind which "noobs" are found hiding.

Dude you're terrible at this, why don't you go hide behind some noob boxes?

by Flamingus January 19, 2010

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