an adult male (over 21)who purchases beer for underage drinkers
Jon: Aaron is a beer bro he just got me a 24 pak
Nick: Stop being a bitch and get a fake ID like everyone else
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One who lives a true swagg-filled life all day every day. They are on a greater level then a "typical" bro and have a supreme roll in society. They are especially hard to come by, you will know one when you see one.
Note: the ultimate bro does not try to be a bro because it comes naturally to him.
Bro: whats up bro
Ultimate Bro: dude im chill, whats good with you
Bro: not much
Ultimate Bro: homie im gonna swagg it up in this nine peace
1. asking desperately for something but trying not to sound too desperate.
2. used sarcastically to mimic whiny complainers asking for something they do not deserve.
1. "Just five more minutes to write my test, blz bro."
2. "C'mon it's just a prank, I should be forgiven."
"bLz BrO, iT's JuSt a PrAnK bRo."
The bro version of a police officer. Only "bro" cops can receive the name "Bro Po".
It is more commonly used on the east coast for New York/New Jersey cops.
Boy 1: Yo dude! I got pulled over today for speeding.
Boy 2: Did you get a ticket?
Boy 1: Nahh. The cop was a Bro Po. Mad chill brahh.
The tan a bro gets after wearing a tank top/bro tank in the sun for an extended period of time. The best 'bro tan' will make a bro look like he is wearing a light tank top with nipples when he is, in fact, shirtless.
"The chicks digged my bro tank so I wore it all Coachella, now I have an epic bro tan!"
Opposite of a lowrider; a truck or SUV with a lift, usu. with mud kicker tires and SKIN, Fox, Metal Mulisha stickers etc. See: lifted truck
dick: Nice ricer fag, shits cash. Can you throw a fireball?
fag: Nice bro-rider dick- Hadoken!
The one bro in a group of bros who decides to stay sober and collect stories from the night, he/she is a good story teller with a good memory and isn't afraid to slightly stretch the truth to make stories more enjoyable. This bro is then entitled to tell said stories to other bros who were not around at the time.
Bro 1: Hey man so what did you guys do at that party last night?
Bro 2: I couldn't tell you man I don't remember a thing!
Bro 1: Oh damn must have been pretty wild then...
Bro 2: For real bro, ask Jason! He's our story bro.