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Prep Week

The week before No nut november where people jerk off everyday.

Bruh it's prep week!

by wusspoppinjimbo69420 November 2, 2019


The feeling one gets from having exactly the right tool at the right moment. Especially for situations which are unlikely to occur. Or when the tool desired is extremely uncommon.

My friend was trying to adjust a part of his bike but he didn't have a 10mm wrench. Being a dutiful Eagle Scout, I reached into the bottom of my backpack and retrieved the 10mm wrench that is always there. What a feeling of prep-phoria! I was prep-phoric.

by Cambrio4 September 7, 2015

French prep

|frɛnʧ prɛp|
A noun used to describe indecent images of a person usually used as a synonym for “nudes” in order to hide its true meaning.

Person-X: has she sent you french prep?
Person-Y: Yes she has
Person-X: all the answers?
Person-Y: of course

by Simply reaction March 10, 2022

French prep

naked images of a girl that are usually sent through Snapchat

You: Can you send french prep?
Girl: sure, you want all the answers?
You: yes pls
Girl: *2 attachments*

by British_Anon March 5, 2022

french prep

A colloquial word for nudes derived from Cambridge, England.

You: Can you send french prep?
Your girl: sure ;)

by British_Anon February 26, 2022

Prep Spaz

The sad two formats, occurring four times a week out of the six day class week, designated for preplings. These preplings did not have the ability to make it onto a JV or Varsity team, so unfortunately they are reduced to spending their time Prep Spaz. In this time, they cycle through the season's sport offerings. Seemingly a joke to many Exonians.

Person 1: I'll be Prep Spazzing it up this whole year.

Person 2: Oh, I'm sorry.

by calciumsupplements June 20, 2011


When you are sent to a school prep room to be screamed at by your tutor.

Tutor: *name*! Prep Room NOW!

Tutee: Oh boy! You just got prep-roomed!!!

by obsessivetwihard December 31, 2011