A couch tied down to a pick up truck using the most basic tools, I.e. 350 cord and a few straps. Seat belt optional.
John: hey, did you see those idiots Kaynen and Tyler riding in that redneck limo?
Nick: yeah, I was hoping theyd fly out, morons.
An impromptu, low-class gathering at someone's house after the death of a loved one, featuring cheap beer, box wine, cold-cuts, Ritz crackers, and cigarettes.
Dave: "Hey Diana, what's going on down the street? There's a bunch of pick-up trucks and scuzzy people standing around drinking beer, smoking cigarettes, and talking... but I don't hear any music. Is it some kinda party?"
Diana: "You know that old guy down the street with all the broken down cars and appliances on his front lawn? Well, his wife died the other day, so they're having a redneck shiva."
A crackhead from Dimmsdale, California. Co-founder of Stoner Steve and Redneck Bob Industries.
Hey Redneck Bob, perpskerp or hootnanny?
A redneck who holds no belief in God or Gods.
I live in the South, but religion is honestly overrated to me so I would consider myself a redneck atheist.
When you have accepted sleeveless tuxedo shirt wearing, farmer's tan having, gun toting redneck Jesus as your lord and savior.
"Excuse me would you like to achieve redneck salvation?"
"No! I do not want to accept redneck Jesus as my lord and savior."
A name given to a Toyota Tundra driven by famous country boy Mr. Speer. The Redneck Chariot has been known to kick up some dirt while also carrying it’s fair share of the ladies. Speer quotes the truck as being “indestructible” and “A lady magnet”. The truck was on the front page of Forbes magazine in 2015 as being “The perfect truck”. The Redneck Chariot is almost considered an “urban legend” amongst the people of Alabama because of its elusiveness and ability to off-road. In some ways the truck almost has a mind and soul of its own.
The Redneck Chariot will take you anywhere at anytime, because it is the true perfect truck.