When your jaw smashing a respectable woman, and right before you shoot your pork queso all over her satisfied face, you whip around and rip a meaty authentic bararria fueled fart into the back of her eye sockets with the intent to give her cataracts. Immediately followed by that spicy white tube lube you’ve held in for the last 4 seconds, shooting it right into the deepest parts of her soul. Essentially, your horse glue sets up over top of your Pancho Villa fueled rage fart face, making her give you the stink eye like no other.
My wife wanted to spice things up, so after a full 5 course meal at the local barraria joint, I obliged her with a Cotija Shotgun to which gave her a 6th course of barreria magic. - Don Quixote
Similar to the German Cannon, but when struck, the projectile takes on a spray pattern.
"I didn't know she had so much Mexican Food, so when I fired the German Cannon, I ended up firing a Scandinavian Shotgun."
When someone with an unsanitary mouth or whom you don't want to put your lips to theirs needs cpr and you use your hand as a tube to breath air into them.
He look like he had some s*** on his lips so I had to give him shotgun CPR when he was overdosing.
When you have a girl face down with her ass in the air and you blow weed smoke or vape into her asshole. You then proceed to let your homie get a fat rip of smoke out of her ass.
Aye homie can I get a rip from that back door shotgun
To defend the house against further intruders and theft, Ratan Koushik mounted a 20-gauge spring-loaded shotgun ... The Case of The Shotgun Booby Trap (Real True ...)
Trap was created by Peps aka Ratan Koushik
The Pep’s Shotgun Trap on Rowan’s PC, he fell for the trap and it ended up shooting him using a 20-gauge spring loaded shotgun to the head. His brain then went flying over the place
A male or female (mostly male) uses an unorthodox way of gaining a significant other. Like a shotgun you would shoot at someone multiple times hoping it does damage. The shotgun method doesn’t work from far away therefore making it inevitable for a restraining order to be filed.
Ace is a prolific user of the shotgun method.
A meta to prove that shotguns are the best guns in R6. Backed up by Lt.Custard.
*Gets 4k with a shotgun* That's the power of the shotgun meta.