soggie- a word created by Tom the great, used to describe cereal, cake, and Tom himself.
tom is soggie
When a group of sports journalists compete to jizz on a ginger nut biscuit covered in white powder
Hey guys! who’s up for a game of Soggy Kalyn
Cinnamon Roll with extra cum sauce
Anyone down for some soggy cinnamon roll x2 frosting
A texture (usually referred to food) that is between soggy and crispy.
This Kunafa feels like a soggy tissue.
When you’re giving head to a big dick and he can’t get hard
Girl 1: Oh my god I was giving to head this guys the other day, and you wouldn’t guess what happened!
Girl 2: what happened?!
Girl 1: he had a soggy elephant!!!
Captain Crunch's arch nemesis, hell bent on making every cereal in the world soggy.
Oh no! It's Commander Soggy! Run!!!!
Take a bunch of ecstasy, lather up in essential oils, and hump on the couch for hours.
"How was your Labor Day, Bob?"
"Martha and I went to a rave then came home and did the Soggy Cushion all night."
"Boy, that Soggy Cushion is heavy on the wallet. Have you seen our dry cleaning bills lately??"