Source Code

Kibbles and Bits

A reference to a male dog's genitalia, sometimes used to describe the act of having sex with a dog.

Jim: I feel so sick after those Kibbles and Bits I had for breakfast.
Bob: Maybe you shouldn't eat dog food.
Jim: No, that's not it. My dick hurts cause i fucked my dog this morning.

by mofoshoyo May 14, 2009

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Ritz Bits and Cheese

Name for one who is half white and half Asian.

Jamie: I'm white so that would make me a cracker, or a Triscuit, or whatever new name people have come up with for white people.
Alan: Yeah.
Amy: What about me, I'm half white and half Asian. What would that make me?
Alan: Uh, that would make you Ritz Bits and Cheese.
Amy: Okay...

by Wouldn't you like to know... September 4, 2005

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8-bit ryan

Go sub to Klip Fresh Lol Im a huge 8-bit ryan fannnnn check me out lets get 3k

I love 8-bit Ryan

by Klip fresh June 21, 2017

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tid bit nipply

All of midwestern America during the winter, especially Minnesota.

A word-play on the term nippy to describe cold weather and simultaneously include boobs nonchalantly in the conversation. Often followed by some form of "the breast of weather" to keep the joke going.

Matt: Wow, tid bit nipply out here, ain't it?
Sarah: Yeah, not exactly the breast of weather.

by sky.thief January 3, 2010

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Every Bit Of Alic

Every Bit Of Alice is a generic term for a man's dream woman. Beautiful, smart, tolerant, quiet, great in bed, great cook, great mother, faithful, ETC.

"What do you look for in a woman, John?"

"I want Every Bit Of Alice!"

by Frank Rider August 22, 2009

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did a bit of fookin

when u bring someone back for some sexy time

lele: so what did u get up to last nite?

lulu: well, we did a bit of fookin!

by lele and lulu March 6, 2008

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kibbles n' bits

see: stuff n' junk

he/she went to town on my kibbles n' bits like a starving chihuaua

by Sleep October 2, 2003

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