Source Code

Cone Time

When it is time to smoke a cone, usually from a bong.

Bob: Hey man what time is it?
Steve: Cone time!
Bob: Ahhh shiiit, cone time indeed.

by Conesmoker January 3, 2011


A short break in between longer breaks. Usually involves leaving the working environment.

Yo JD, its been a long two hours since lunch. Cham-time?

by RK2 March 16, 2008

tingle time

When a guy puts mint spray on a condom and uses it, it will make you fell all tingly inside.

Oh Jeffrey and I had tingle time last night

by Lemon.squeezy January 13, 2018

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Arp time

The act of running late, and showing up anywhere between 1-3 hours late. This lateness is completely unintentional, they're trying their best.

Should i expect you at 8pm, or are you running on Arp time?

by mor86gan August 3, 2017

woo time

To have an exceptionally good time, where, in the moment, one would exclaim, "Woooo!"

Dani: Did you end up going to that party last night?

Audrey: Yep! You really missed out, it was a woo time!

by Princess Isabella III January 13, 2009

Snout Time

Snout time refers to a time of day in which cigarettes are smoked. This phrase should be used with relevant hand actions:
-Miming smoking (snout)
-Touching area of hand where you would wear a watch (time)

Mr X.: You got the time mate?
Mr Y: Yeah its snout time
<accompanied by the appropriate actions>

by actualsnouttime February 25, 2009

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dealer time

The time that dealers run on. I.E. when they tell you 5 minutes, they know you are fiending and are willing to wait 5 minutes for them to get there if thats all its gonna be, and that it will be at least 15 minutes before you call them again. Basically, 5 minutes is 15-30 minutes, and if they say half an hour, it could be hours.

A ploy used to keep you from even thinking about calling another dealer.

If you're involved with too many drug transactions, you will start running on dealer time in your every day life.

by Joshuway January 25, 2008

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