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Dave And Thrusters

Its where u take a whore to dave and busters into the bathroom shove a 10 piece nugget up her cooter and but fuck the shit out of her and then put sweet chick fila sauce in her pussy and gobble it up like a hungry rat at chucky cheese

Jake took samantha the whore into the dave and busters bathroom and did the Dave and Thrusters combo

by Nico the Rat December 26, 2022

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rod and dave

well dave is ok in recess bball games but kinda garbage at our real games, and rod never keeps promises

Rod and Dave

by ORANGEPEEL5000 May 16, 2019

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Pastor Dave

Finishing on a girls head in an action similar to that of a baptism; Blessing her scalp with your seed.

Guy: Hey girl wanna do somethin' freaky? I'm really down to give you a Pastor Dave.
Girl: OMG! Of course I want a Pastor Dave!
Guy: Haha, OK just turn around and let me sprinkle my holy seed on your head.

by Joe and Zack November 8, 2018

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dave edbie

a rather fast black man who is actually quite young. REALLY BLOODY STUBBORN AND ANNOYING. Hates it when people touch his hair and claims it hurts... what a pussy. doesnt like losing at chess and is really competitive when it comes to other people being faster than him. He also has two metal pins in his leg which he never lets anyone forget.

that guy is exactly like a dave edbie.... nice but so stubborn sometimes

by thompo March 19, 2013

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A peadophile in the local area who likes young girls.

Disco Dave: โ€˜Do you want to meet me up queenzy for a quickie?โ€™

by XxLilyGibson October 13, 2020

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Dave Type

Ricky Webster. Anything pertaining to Ricky Webster or anyone who is listed as anything like Ricky Webster is the Dave Type. Dave Type refers to a life-long obsession to the music, videos, concerts, and other forms of media of the Dave Matthews Band. This also includes the members of the band.

The Dave Type may or may not base their plans for the year around Dave's touring schedual

by Crazyrocker June 5, 2009

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Dave O'Toole

An alter-ego of sorts. One who no longer cares about order, only chaos. If there is a drink present, Dave O'Toole will find it. If there is an ego present, Dave O'Toole will smash it.

Just heard there was a Dave O'Toole sighting at Peachtree Tavern. I'm staying in tonight boys.

by Kiirbstomp February 11, 2021

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