A completely disgusting vaginal disease. Oh my god it will make you gag every time you think about it. The image will haunt you. You will have nightmares. I can't even put it in to words, jfgi you'll find out everything... oh god I think I have to throw up now. Fuck that shit is gross ooooohh...
Facebook Chat:
Bob: Hey man go 2 google and type in blue waffles then clik im feeling lucky... lol
Joe: uhh ok wtv...
Joe: AHHHHHH!!!! holy shit wtf!! thats not even funny!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
Bob: ROFL!!!!
Bob: haha omg this is hilarious!!!...
uhh u still there?
oh shit...
1582๐ 1611๐
1.The inability for a man to retain an erection.
2. A Bi- sexual man who switches from male to female partners constantly.
1. " So did you have sex last night?" "No. We were going to, until Tom cock waffled".
2. "Frank you've got to stop fucking all these random people, its not safe" "He man, what can I say? I'm cock waffling this week.."
10๐ 5๐
n. a girl with saggy tits that were believed to be firm until her bra came off. most likely the result of breastfeeding. very common in strip clubs where meth is prevalaent.
Shiela revealed herself to be a waffle top and much flopping ensued.
10๐ 5๐
waffle butt is what female prison guards get after pressing their ass up against the chain link fence in order for detainees/prisoners to fuck them from behind. after being perched/pressed up against there long enough the chain link fence leaves and impression similar to a waffle on the buttocks. this usually takes place in terrorists prison camps i.e. Iraq or Guantanamo bay.
-"Lance corporal suzy Q. had a really bad case of waffle butt when i relieved her on the compund rover watch."
-Sarge-"Airforce Amy got flown of the TIF this morning."
-LCpl-"what did she do this time?"
-LCpl-"oh shit! was it Jackson or Pruitt?"
-Sarge-"nope, Mustafah...evidentally she was giving up the waffle butt while she was on shift!"
27๐ 19๐
a waffle maneuver is where you pour waffle or pancake batter into a womens vagina or anus and eat it out
I asked Danielle if she would let me do the waffle maneuver.
He asked me to do the waffle maneuver to her and I said of course it feels so good.
5๐ 1๐
A black woman's vagina oozing in STDs and textured with herpes!
don't touch her, she's got that Nigerian waffle
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