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what a bloke

An excellent male.

"Did you hear that Barry gave 5 grand to charity?" "Oh wow! What a bloke!"

by KeegsMate July 7, 2014

what the ho

Expression used to express surprise or wonder. It can be used generally or specifically with regards to some hoes.

What the ho were you thinking when you told your customer to go f--- himself?!!


What the ho is she wearing?!! She looks like a slut!

by jeremy415 October 22, 2007

on what tho

To agree with someone.

Them: “You’re babymama bald head asf.

You:“On what tho?”

by Yaherrr October 23, 2020

What the squash

A term used as a reaction to events, instead of using the overused expression what the f**k

"What the squash are you doing in the fridge!?"

by REALLYTHdudE April 12, 2020

Jigga what

Not to be confused with Gigawatt, which is a measure of units (W) of electricity, Jiggawhat is an exclamation and measurement of the level of disbelief shown by an African American.

"Yo, I gots me a pay rise today"

"Jigga what?!?!?"

jiggaboo nigga negro what hey

by Superfrank May 27, 2015

what’s thumpin

What’s up? What up doe? How are you doing? What’s happening?

Person 1: what’s up?
Person 2 (extra cool): what’s thumpin?

by Jennifermm0720 February 1, 2018

What a solid

a phrase used to indicate an achievement or any good occasion. Can also be used to describe people.

A: I got a 100 on my math test.
B: What a solid
A: My girlfriend finally sucked my dick
B: Damn, what a solid

by cage.dd November 19, 2016