where whoever you ask has to send a butt pic
Hey its national butt pic day better see something
On january 13th whoever you ask has to send a butt pic
Hey its national butt pic day better see something
May 4th is the day where all the thiccc booty girls gotta send you a pic
Yo it’s national booty pic day, can I get a pic?
Yeah of course it’s national butt pic day!
something to call your favorite person. you love that person.
liam: hi my stanka butt
emily: you’re also my stanka butt
You bring your dog out for a walk and come back inside, where, lo and behold, there’s a huge poopy stuck to the dog’s ass that never came off outside. You can’t take it off with dabbing with a paper towel. You gotta shower off that dog butt. How fun is that?!
Oh no, my dog has doggy poop butt after the walk today. What the hell am I gonna do. It smells so bad. Aaargh! Puke puke.
A butt pub is where you go to get your colon cleaned out.
My constipation has me feeling bloated and lethargic. After work I'm going to the Butt Pub to have my Colon cleaned out!