The act of being a wreckless dumbass. Usually results in arrests and/or DUI charges.
"Please feel free to camp out after the party. Wouldn't want anybody to 'Pull an Edgar'"
Ruining your product trying to catch up with a quickly rising competitor, constant updates that don't actually improve anything, risking integrity and original goals out of fear of becoming obsolete
Man, Mozilla is really pulling a facebook with all the useless updates since Firefox 4.
Yeah, they're only making it easier for Google to swoop up all of their users with Chrome
the act of being very sweet in public, especially towards a girl/your girlfriend and then doing something shitty (like breaking up with her in a text)
A: Did you hear about Kelly and Matthew?
B: Yeah man. They seemed to be perfect for each other yesterday!
A: I didn't think he was the kind of guy to pull a Bruno Mars.
disappearing for a certain amount of time and then coming back, acting like nothing happend.
“where did she go? oh she’s probably pulling an oona right now.”
disappearing for a while without letting anybody know
Sorry that i haven’t responded for a week.. I was pulling an oona.
When you take shit and talk on palringo
Hey guys i am pulling a alacorn
When one does not show his or her face during a Zoom meeting and only a bun can be seen popping up and down.
"Wow, she is really pulling a Morgan."
"Yeah, she probably didn't even do her makeup."