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To have one's dead body spam crouched by another player in any video game, especially online FPS games. Most commonly seen as an act to establish dominance, but mostly people just do it for fun.

Player 1: Camping at their base
Player 2: sneaks up behind him, kills him with a knife, then t-bags him
Player 2: *over the mic* Get t-bagged dawg

by Obv troll is obvious January 3, 2021


A term my sleep deprived brain made up, meaning a heterosexual person who is like a trash bag. Used when a heterosexual is being homophobic, transphobic ect. Not to be confused with calling all heterosexuals trash.

"Omg. (Insert name) called me a f***ot. He is such a Hetero-bag."

by Liliow August 14, 2020

Bag of bones

Someone who is so old and brittle that they are practically a bag of bones. Another word for "living under a rock"

Emma: Wow, Ruby! You haven't heard of Gacha Life before? You're such a bag of bones...

by DormaIsBetterThanYou January 6, 2025

bag nagget

Someone with saddle bags on their thighs that rattle together when they walk.

That heifer is a total bag nagget!

by Katest February 5, 2016

Peg bag

When you’re being pegged from behind, and someone reaches around and plays with your ball bag

Isabel pegged me last night corrr it was amazing she even gave me a peg bag!

by Harrydale May 5, 2023

stas bag

A skimp bag of pot. Usually consists of the end stems, and half nugs found only in the very most bottom of the bag.

Yeah, I pawn starred that kid with a stas bag.

by End Couch June 5, 2011

School Bag Hooch

The alcohol unwittingly produced at the bottom of a school bag, when tubs of fruit are left untouched in the bag for periods of time.

Student 1 - "Phew, you smell like a bar!"
Student 2 - "It's just the School Bag Hooch I'm brewing"

by Nicko Steel March 20, 2022