Source Code

georgian pull-up

The act of spraying Taco Bell hot sauce into your roomate’s underpants, causing such an intense burning that he jumps into the sky.

Oh no! I think jimbo cajington seemed to have done the ‘ol Georgian pull-up again! My sphincter feels like a fresh Doritos loco taco!

by Clondike ravenport February 20, 2018

Pulled a Gabah

When a person who is highly dependent on music leaves their airpods/ ear buds at home.

Clifford is freaking out today man. He told me he pulled a Gabah

by Kofi_essil August 11, 2022

Pull off a Magneta

Doing so many bad things that you get banned off a community forever, Like magenta badorkbee

I got like 25 infractions i need 2 more to Pull off a Magneta.

by This Guy Is NOT The September 24, 2023

pulling a billy

when you kill yourself in fortNite so they cant get the kill

Oh shit nigga that man is pulling a billy

by RyhamBruh April 5, 2019

Pull a Shay

The act of rolling through a stop sign.

There's no one around, I'm gonna pull a Shay.

by The cop at the stop July 28, 2024

Pulling an Anthony

Riding a bike and someone pretends to run into you scaring you so bad that it kills you

Stop pulling an Anthony!!!

by Fjkbcfbmbghkb May 5, 2018

Pulling an anthony

Pretending or threading to kill yourself over a girl or to get said girl

Shit Donny is pulling an Anthony

by Mentally_stable August 20, 2018