A opposite reality where there are no labels your just there your not a human your not a monster nor are you dead your energy just Freely thrives in this reality there is nothing but emptiness .
My life is a lost caption ,fuck the labels
person 1: i hate minecraft bc i died
person 2: 我在玩的时候丢失了所有的钻石,所以我卸载了它
person 1: i lost you there
A phrase that describes the situation when a girl stop being interested in you.
"This girl isn't fucking with me anymore, I lost."
A phrase that means "lost my mind." It is commonly used by people that love guacamole or can't stand it because they don't want to lose there guacamole.
"Dude, I just lost my Guac!"
"My mom bought me some guacamole and now I lost my guac."
a right of passage in Mississippi, turning boy and sister into man and sister.
Godo's been REAL friendly with his sister lately, they must be going to the Mississippi lost cave
Use to tell someone that your father passed away.
I lost my left shoulder sorry for not replying to your text