Mia dupreez has frog eyes 🐸
Mia dupreez is someone who has frog eyes 👀
A Mia is someone who sweeps you off your feet without having to lift a finger. She is a determined, passionate woman who cares just so much more than anyone else. The love she has to give for others is immeasurable and if you manage to get her to fall in love with you then you will forever be safe because she is also the strongest partner anyone could ever have. She is immensely beautiful and has the absolute best sense of style, the kind of style that is adorable one moment but kick-your-ass, drop-dead GORGEOUS the next. She also can and will be the sexiest person you'll ever meet and is the best flirt. Mia is the type of girl you grow old with and share your life with and never regret a moment of it. Mia is the girl that you love, plain and simple.
That Mia Jane Dyer stole my damn heart and she did it with class
Why she so beautiful 😻
Mia quigley so beautiful bro imma nut
She is the most beautiful and caring person ever. Everybody loves her and she is always positive and is there for you when you needs her❤️ She loves everybody and is the most best friend you could ever ask for. Her laugh is what makes your day❤️
Look who is that?
That is Mia Caroline! You should be friends with her!
Only the ✨BADDEST B-✨ to ever exist!
Look, it’s Mia Antoine! She a baddie!
has a dog 🐶 and a tongue pericing septum peircing nose piercing and always wants red hair and always straightens her curly hair bc she hates it and loves spaghetti. she loves weed and KAYTE CASTOLDI. #highland
hey that’s mia pulasky , is she ok?
hey that’s mia pulasky, where’s kayte and carissa @?