When a male sticks his Penis in a female/males ass
Lets do the naughty tonight and stick my pee pee in po po
When a fellow dude at a frat party steals your double red cup full of wocky slush, takes a shit in it, and throws it at an oncoming car on a quiet suburban street.
"Bro, you just got poinged so hard"
"I know, my wocky slush has a bunch of shit in it now."
"Oh fuck, he just threw it at the old ass lady's 2003 Toyota Corolla"
In a competition ‘for points’, “poings” refers to a very, very small amount of points given for very irrelevant reasons. The purpose is to award people who are not faring well in the competition and giving them just a little something to prevent emotional breakdown. Essentially “pity points”.
“Wow, this person is losing miserably and looks like they are about to cry. Let’s give them two “poings” for insert any completely irrelevant reason to make them feel a little better.”
After the unfortunate demise of Mr. Po, a Russian Bear, on May 13th, 2024, a new bear had to rise and be elected as the President of the Worldwide Bear Association (WBA - better than the NBA). Chloala Bear aka Chloconut, one of the newest upcoming adult bears has been on the radar of the WBA to lead and heal the Bear population worldwide with her immense medical knowledge. Known to be the only bear attending a well-established MD school. She is now officially known as Ms. Po and will carry on the legacy of Mr. Po to help as many bears and advance the field of Bearmology.
Don't forget to consult Ms. Po!!!
After the unfortunate demise of Mr. Po, a Russian Bear, on May 13th, 2024, a new bear had to rise and be elected as the President of the Worldwide Bear Association (WBA - better than the NBA). Chloala Bear aka Chloconut, one of the newest upcoming adult bears has been on the radar of the WBA to lead and heal the Bear population worldwide with her immense medical knowledge. Known to be the only bear attending a well-established MD school. She is now officially known as Ms. Po and will carry on the legacy of Mr. Po to help as many bears and advance the field of Bearmology.
Ms. Po is our savior, all bears need to consult her during the difficult hibernation periods!