1. Originally a mathematics term for dividing the difference.
2. Considered to be a sports term for breaking through the defensive line. Commonly used in Hockey, Soccer, Football, & Lacrosse.
3. When used as a verb Splitting The D can act has add lib for relatively anything party or sexual related. Originally coined in the Western Pennsylvania / Pittsburgh Area in the local music scene.
"Did you see John? Hes completely passed out on the bathroom floor! Talk about Splitting The D"
"I'm incredibly sexually frustrated. I really need to Split The D"
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A guy with his hand on his hip giving a thumbs up.
Good point! d=(^-^)z
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Short for douchebag, a person that sucks ass
"My landlord cut off my heat and electricity because me rent was one day late." "Fuckin d-bag"
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Known as the "thumbs-up smiley," it is an ascii or emoticon similar to ^.^ b. It is displayed with two thumbs up as seen with the placement of the 'b' and 'd' before and after the ^.^ emoticon, respectively. Compared to the ^.^ b emoticon, the lone 'b' is switched to a 'd' and a 'b' is added to the other side to properly depict where the fist would be if one were to observe and individual put their thumbs up.
Derived from the ^.^ emoticon, it expresses similar emotions to a physical thumbs up such as approval, joy, or success.
Seth: I just got laid last night!
Tom: noice!! b^.^d
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n. A penis, often in the context of intercourse.
"Yo wat u doin?"
"I'm ridin' the D-train. I get off when I get to the O."
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stands for search and destroy; referring to the game mode popular in games like COD4 but can also refer to the digusting game played while driving
Dude, when you get home later, do you want to play some S&D?
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