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A man is a cuck if he stays with a partner: and he finds out that the partner is unfaithful, and has remained unfaithful, or has been caught cheating many times. Cheating online, and also cheating physically.

He realizes others know of this infidelity, yet still remains with the partner. Everyone sees the man as ignorant, and as a cuck. The partners friends all know that the man is inadequate and that she has cheated on the man.

The partner cheats with people that know the man is in a relationship with this partner. The partner and everyone she cheats with, views the man as a cuck. A pushover, who does not have what it takes to satisfy his partner both sexually physically, or through sexual talk.

The man has given up all self respect, and has decided to remain with the partner.

Sometimes the man may do this because there are kids involved, and he wants to keep the family together. So he tolerates her behavior and has no expectation she will be faithful.

She has cheated on him so many times and he takes her back. He is such a cuck.

by Truthbombs4u November 18, 2021


Someone who lets others run a train on their girl.

Yo, did you hear about Sneako and his girlfriend? What a cuck!

by Slept a-01 March 25, 2023


Cum and cock

Can I get some cuck?

by bananabreeda December 7, 2021


A cuck or a cuckold is a man whose significant other is having sexual intercourse with another person and they are sometimes even watching it happen.

Wow Sneako is such a cuck!

by Matsux March 19, 2023


My husband

Man he's a cuck

by kyliesavagebitch445 April 28, 2018


1. A man who is in a relationship with a woman who has sexual relations with one or more other men; synonymous for wittol or betamale.

2. A weak, dumb, and/or insignificant man who typically allows everyone especially women to use him for their own benefit, regardless of how severe the negative consequences are for himself; synonymous for soyboy.

3. A liberal/leftist; one who identifies as a liberal or adheres to leftist/liberal ideologies, such as social justice, modern feminism, identity politics, white guilt, communism/socialism, mass censorship, shadow banning, gun control, etc.; synonymous for S.J.W. social justice warrior, snowflake, or pussy.

Protester: Guns are made for killing! Orange man bad! Capitalism is evil! I'm ashamed for being white!

Regular Person: I thought the left was supposed to be progressive....

Protestor: NAZI!!!!!

Regular Person (shaking his head): Fuckin' cuck.

by RageAddict August 30, 2020



the internet knows it, sneako is a cuck

by guccibanana March 19, 2023