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Girl Math

It is when you put an expense in terms that a girl can understand. If it costs $300.00 to get your brakes fixed, that is 4 pairs of shoes and three tubes of lipstick in girl math.

Kenzie: A: OMG! That speeding ticket is going to cost me $200.00!
Amber: That is like 2 pairs of shoes, 1 bottle of nail polish and 2 packages of skittles and a diet coke in girl math.

by ICT-TARA April 1, 2010

42πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

Irish math

leprechaun-like ability to calculate to a number which best suits your needs.

Seamus relied on Irish math to:

a.)provide the correct number of drinks he had to the officer.

b.)advise his mother his first born did indeed arrive 9 months after the wedding

by sheila in the car May 10, 2009

170πŸ‘ 237πŸ‘Ž

Native Math

A math theorem, formula, or method that originates from a particular countryβ€”for example, a deductive proof in plane geometry is unmistakably Greek, while a visual proof has a Chinese or Indian flavor.

In this age of regional or international collaboration among members of the mathematics community, when co-authoring a journal article often involves contributors of different nationalities, we can only expect native math to be the odd one in a sea of even hybrids.

by MathPlus December 3, 2018

265πŸ‘ 365πŸ‘Ž

math shots

a drinking game where for every math problem correctly done on your math homework, you take a shot
(This game is more for the slackers out there looking for motivation to get their homework done)

Slacker 1: Hey man, what's up?
Slacker 2: Not much, just procrastinating my math homework
Slacker 1: Why not try out math shots? You reward your teacher with the answer, and you get rewarded by getting hammered!

by Slacking101 January 8, 2013

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Bat Math

Brain-unfriendly or fiendish math questions that leverage on the public’s mixed attitude vis-Γ -vis the oft-feared bat, which has so far received bad publicity or negative press in the aftermath of unproven claims that it was the vector for the coronavirus pandemic.

Two examples of bat math are:
a) Today is Friday the 13th. Trump’s spiritual guide recommends that he should drink the blood of a bat 666 days from today to live a "normal” life free from nightmares and demonic attacks. What day of the week would he perform that dreaded ritual?
b) Given that 🦠 + πŸ¦‡= 76 and 🦠 Γ— πŸ¦‡ = 19, what is the value of 1/🦠 + 1/πŸ¦‡?
Answers: a) Saturday b) 4.

by MathPlus April 17, 2021

98πŸ‘ 184πŸ‘Ž

maths unicorn

mythical being that is believed to be able to solve any math problem by didving by the area!!also a common raecherism much to the annoyance of the williams of the world.

AWWW man a cant do this problem!?

Its alrite man just divide by the area.

PFFTT...where u get that idea, the maths unicorn?


by peekabooooooooooo April 15, 2008

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

maths magician

a typical fucking nerd

jake is so good at maths hes a regular maths magician!
yeah ur rite hes a fuckin nerd lets beat him up

by jackass_12345 May 13, 2007

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž