Ash is awkward. Very awkward. They have low self esteem though are beautiful and kind. They need to believe in them self more. Mostly nice to others, though occasionally have sadistic thoughts. They’re a bit emo and love music. They’re probably bisexual.
Ash told me they hate themselves.
Ash: a person who is made of Suger and honey. Ash is a person that loves almost every body, ash is the definition of beauty and masculinity. Ash is the greatest person you will ever meet. Never let them go.
"Hey who's ash?"
"Ash is a fucking god."
(adj.) They're a family. They are known for being kind, cute, affectionate, friendly, and for having the most beautiful light in the world. All these qualities come from the being who unites them: Ashlyn Rae Willson (or @ashemusic)
What is Ashe's fandom name?
We're Ashes.
the definition of an IT GIRL 💎⭐️
“oh shit who’s that?”
“it’s ash duh.”
Bald fucking deek’ed
Smokes all my fags and bud/hash
Ash:Can i pinch a roll up
Me: fuck sake
A general definition of a mentally slow and challenged person who happens to be a suspected pedophile. These sorts of people have no friends and can't think at all. Generally of British origin
Dude that guy is such an Ash, he threatened me yesterday but messaged someone else.