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Bar Potpourri

The act of "Beer Burping" in a bar and blowing it in the direction of you buddy.

Dude 1 - "Buuurp......whoa"

Dude 2 - "Dude, that was some rough bar potpourri, next time blow it the other way!"

by 8nsand1974 July 10, 2010

bar chick

a woman that spends too much time at a bar, gets absurdly destroied on a regular basis. easy to convince to fornicate with, n uses a ratchet serving of tongue even when making out.

can be easily spotted with crayola eyebrows, tight cheetah print skirt, or putting on the monkey show on the dance floor.

steve: hey are you going to date that girl sarah?
me: nah turned out shes a bar chick, i dont want the towns left overs!

*high five

by sgt.dickpeppercorn November 19, 2015

Nougat Bar

A dumb, dense guy or individual. A lame person.

John took me out to dinner, and forgot his wallet again. What a Nougat Bar!

by Brittany Taylor April 15, 2008

ninja bar

When you sneak a bar of xanax into somebody's drink

Dude what the hell happened last night at Beer Olympics? I was fine... only drinking natty lites until I just blacked out!

Bro you don't remember? Ahaha Taylor ninja barred the shit out of you!

by chinesepirate January 9, 2019

Wardy Bar

A good nutrition bar after a long wrestling match.

Ryan ate a Wardy bar after winning the match.
After a long ride in the Camaro, stopping at a redlight is a good time to eat a wardy bar.

by Acecutlets March 3, 2012

2👍 -1👎

bar barker

Bar barker is a person who goes to a bar and has to make more noise than anyone else. This is when you wished you brought your dogs bark collar.

Quit being a bar barker.

by Brk92 August 6, 2017

Boomer Bar

The column of ads next to an article, usually full of algorithmically generated garbage only people over 50 click on

My racist uncle bought a forklift operator t shirt off the boomer bar

by Agapin Ganus June 5, 2020