when two (or more) people perform the devil’s tango, aka Bus Blanket Bingo in a small enclosed place.
For example, Jake and Sierra were caught doing the Monkey Dance in a Barrel in a band practice room.
The act of unbuttoning your pants comfortably when you are full after eating a large meal.
Damn bruh that Chipotle was good, time to release the barrel
to sniff/ gank large amounts of cocaine regularely on several occasionions
a " hey man john is a huge barreller these days eh" b " ya man john is deep into the ol nose candy/snot rocket"
When a girl is peeing and you insert your penis into her and you both piss at the same time
Jack: Soo you did something interesting this week?
Steve: Yeah, went shopping and double barrel shotgun Emily
When you shit while having a orgasm.
Eric just got a double barrel shotgun from Megan he said it was such a great blow job, he shit himself when he blew his load!
The act of wanking off two men simultaneously into your face.
Sarah pumped the double barrel shotgun into her face.
When someone is hiding that they are getting fat.
Josh: Hey Sam, have you noticed something different about Robbie lately?
Sam: Ya he's been growing a sneaky barrel.
Josh: It's true he's been eating to many Doritos!