Blake is really mean and such a butthead. He is super mean to me bc I am sadly his sister.
Blake was so mean that I punched him in the face.
A funny, rude person, if you are friends with them they are very nice, this person is always attracted to one and one person only, and they are always loyal to them.
Blake is often associated with.
“Look at that Blake, what a prick” “dude you don’t know him like I do”
Blake is an amazing person,who is kind, and he also will not betray you.He is very nice but if you mess with him he will beat the LIVENING SHIT out of you.
He must be named Blake bcuz of how he beat the crap out of that man
Blake is a guy with a deep voice, like the singer Corpes's voice. He's pretty tall and girls fall for him quickly. He's the type of guy that would dump his girlfriend right away for another girl. He makes girls fall for him and messes with them. My opinion is that he's a fucking dickhead. He's always flirting and he's no good at all
Blake: Hey Daddy (Insert your girlfriend's name)~ Fuck me~
Gf: 👀
Me: *in the corner knowing he's just messing around, but still getting a bit jealous*
pronuonced ba-lock-ae. Has roman noodle hair. Has to many gfs to count. good friend.
Blake, isn't that 5 girls this week!