A special term given to people who were born on August 8, 2008 (08/08/08) in Jhumri Telaiya (a city in Jharkhand, India). People born on this date are said to be extremely annoying and silly. They are also said to be descendants of a Majju's (a dirty little peasant) family. They are said to be notoriously ridiculous. The 'Chan' at the end refers to a female.
"She's such a freaking Majju Chan!" complained the rich owner.
a boy who’s very submissive to his girlfriend and will let him do anything to her.
him: “please mommy, please i want milk”
her: “stop being such a miku miku chan”
Most sexiest character in all of the yakuza game series.
Yakuza fans want to fuck goromi until death.
Person: man I wish I would get laid
Freddy fazbear: Hey there little buddy!
Person: holy fucking shit is that goromi-chan behind Freddy fastbar
Invader Zim's girlfriend, partner in crime, and the secondary antagonist of Go! Callie. She is selfish and bratty. She wants money, food, and a rich, spoiled, and happy life, as stated in her song.
Martha-chan: Zim-samaaa~!
Zim: Yes?
Martha-chan: I want melonpan, melona, boba tea, and mint chocolate cookies. Get them for me please!
Zim: Yes, my lady! I'd do anything for you!!
Martha-chan: That's my Zim-sama~❤️!
the most kawaii boy you'll ever meet. 😻😻😻 a being so enchanting and mystical your mind will have trouble comprehending his beauty. remy-chan is loyal, submissive, and breedable!!!!!! So kawaii.. 😊😊😊😍😍😝😝😝😝
remy-chan is actually so kawaii
a sexy little man with short arms. seb chan is a solid lad and is good at spanish.
"you just got seb channed"
"your so hot are you seb chan"
"seb chan is not going to reading festival because he is revising spanish"
a sexy little man with short arms. seb chan is a solid lad and is good at spanish.
Seb chan the sexy man with a spanish plan
if someone where to have something really cool happen to them one would exclaim
"you just got seb chan,d mate"
" seb chan is not going to reading festival because he is doing spanish revision"