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Classic Wes

When you actually can believe it.

"I can't believe....well, actually, this really is just a Classic Wes, isn't it?"

by Arrc April 22, 2022

but it's a classic

How an egyptian pool singer will explain why he doesn't need to change song

So the guy said "but it's a classic!" so we kept the noses on until we left the store.

by Makrellen August 12, 2017

The Ron Coe Classic

THe act of engaging in beastality, sheep are the preferred choice.

Friend 1: hey man did you get laid last night?
Friend 2: fuck yeah bud, i did the Ron Coe Classic!

by adtr160 October 13, 2017

Classic Matt

When your friend Matt (who isn't your friend) does something classic

Person 1: Matt get off yo phone, we at the movies
Matt: *silence

Person 2: Classic Matt
Person 3: Who the fuck is Matt?
Matt: *rips into bread with teeth

by yourdadsatmyhousemydude.com October 28, 2019

classic imo

when a person is showing care and empathy for a fellow human being.

"I was really upset this whole week, but then Joe called me. He's a classic imo."

by cheaksting December 14, 2023

Berlin flip (classic)

A little bit of ecstasy and big amount of ketamine.
(the classic is defined by a specific ecstasy pill; the Phillip plein gray)

This usually leads to the takers de-evolution of physical abilities to those of a child around age 3-4 when it's learning to walk for the first time.

Guy tripping: "right right... Drifting..."
Buddy: "... Lol"
Guy tripping: "what the fuck...
Buddy: "haha Berlin flip (classic) "

by GurnySanders September 30, 2019

Yakmaster Classic

To vomit, typically after heavy drinking. A portmanteau of the colloquial vomiting description "to yak" and the popular professional fishing tournament "Bassmaster Classic."

John: Dude, Kevin had way too much tonight...I think he's having a Yakmaster Classic in the bathroom right now.
Kevin: Just give me a couple minutes, I'll be fine! (pukes)

by The Yak Master April 23, 2012