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cold steam

Practically just vapor/ condensation but, cold steam is the term that β€œintellectuals” use. Is meant to be a joking way of saying something.

The surrounding air was warm, so the freezer let out some COLD STEAM.

by _oof December 8, 2018

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The first job of the day for a prostitute.

Damn girl! That was one nasty cold-bob, but I'm warmed up for the rest of the day.

by Bucket o' Noodles January 19, 2011

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when you are extremely cold while laying in bed, and are too lazy to get up and get another blanket, you fold your blanket in half on top of yourself in an effort to produce more warmth.

Dude, these negative temperature weathers at night are awful! I have to do the cold-fold almost every night.

by J-Fisher September 9, 2011

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The Cold Challenge

A very naked icy challenge that involves a car full of people taking place in the below zero or below freezing winter months. Basically every window in the car is rolled down and the AC set as low (cold) as it can go and is cranked TO THE MAX! Following this everyone in the car will remove all of their clothing and bask in the frigid goodness whilst speeding down the road. The last man or woman in the car left completely naked is the winner and is then deemed the "Cold Badass".

- "Yo did you hear about the guys taking the cold challenge last night?"

- "Yeah I saw their asses rollin downtown in the 5 degree weather in that heap of a car completely naked wearin sunglasses"

- "What Cold Badasses"

by DO'C the IRISH_ANIMAL February 21, 2011

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Cold Casey

the process where the male or female tosses a girls salad and follows that by barfing in her pussy

WOW Phil gave me a cold casey last night and there was so much barf in my snatch i couldnt fit my tampon in.

by BUB May 28, 2004

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hot and cold


she is so hot and cold right now

by agnes & jenn March 8, 2009

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cold drank

A word that lame ass niggas use to say POP, and they usually have a wackass football team.

I'm dumb enough to say cold drank.

by oreosguy January 19, 2021

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