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The Walking Dead

An American TV show airing on the cable television channel AMC. The show is loosely based around The Walking Dead comic book series made by Robert Kirkman. The show follows a group of militant homosexuals trying to survive the Ogre apocalypse.

The Walking Dead has received many positive reviews and is known for it's intensity.

by Mormon Fetus December 2, 2014

188๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž

dead as the dodo

To be very dead indeed. The dodo was a large flightless and idiotic bird brought to extinction in 1681 by Sailors who wished to take thier heads home to thier native countries. Unlike some other extinct animals (Thylacine, Carolina Parakeet, Passenger pigeon, flightless Ibis etc.) It is certain that the last of these creatures is dead. The word dodo is interchangeable with Quagga, giant lemur, Auroch, Giant Moa or any other long-time dead animal.

In 100 years communism will be as dead as the dodo, and Karl Marx will be denounced.

by Kung-Fu Jesus April 30, 2004

32๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dead Good

Dead Good is when something is so utterly awesome that never having experienced it would cause one to die, or something equally wonderful that merely witnessing or experiencing it would cause one to cease living.Also see awesome, kick ass and the shit

Oh my god, Cute Is What We Aim For is so dead good!

by I AM BEHIND YOU September 11, 2006

31๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shaun of the Dead

Comedy...retake(ish) on Dawn of the Dead (see what they did with the name!) about the guy from Spaced (good Brit Sit-com) who is a bit dumb and having a shitty time. breaks up with his girl and suddenly zombies take over england (see the 28 days later connection...cool huh!?)

so they go to the pub (with his flat mate, girl 2 friends and mum) and end up beating the pub owner do death with pokers to Queens 'Dont Stop Me Now'

VERY British (you probs wont get it is your American unless youre Brit-ified) and VERY funny.

also have they guy from Black Books

*hits zombie with car... screech to a halt*
Shaun: are you ok?
Zombie: *with broken leg* Uurgg starts to get back up*
Shaun: Oh good!
*drive off*

by celery_girl!!! October 19, 2004

116๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dead Space

An sci-fi horror game, featuring spaceships, zombies, dismemberment, telekinesis and more awesome things.

When playing it, in normal condition, it will make guys crap their pants and girls burst into tears.

When playing it, while being stoned, you will first crap your pants and then nearly laugh yourself into a coma, everytime a zombie shows up.

white guy: "i'm gonna play dead space"
*zombie shows up*
white guy: "GEEZUS!!!"

black guy: "imma gonna play dead space'
*zombie shows up*
black guy: "OH SHIT NIGGA!!!"

stoned guy: "duuuude, i'm gonna play dead space"
*zombie shows up*
stoned guy: "GEEZUS!!! ... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

by lalliman May 18, 2011

73๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

metal is dead

Gayest saying said by the inferior to the metal genre (i.e. emos, punks, gangstas, etc.)

Metal head walks by gangsta.

GANGSTA: "Hey fag! Metal is dead!!"

METAL HEAD: "Metal up your ass!!" <Flicks Knife>

Gangsta runs

by slayer77 December 27, 2006

63๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

dead gum

gum that has lost its flavor and texture for being chewed on for a long time. it starts to harden and becomes tough to chew anymore

i have been chewing on dead gum all morning because i got too busy with classes to spit it out.

by flavoreeba April 16, 2011

21๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž