A weight loss program dedicated to doing large amounts of cocaine instead of eating or sleeping.
Stephanie went down 2 dress sizes after a week on the straw diet
The scurge of eating large amounts of food while trying to lose weight. It is not physically feasable and many women and even some men will ask do these jeans make my butt look big....no bitch you a fat ass
Started my fat diet today but im still gaining weight...i dont understand why
August 8th is the day that celebrates Diet Pepsi. It is my grandmother’s birthday and Diet Pepsi is the only thing she drinks. She gets withdrawal if she doesn’t have any.
“Todays August 8th”
“It’s Diet Pepsi Day”
Where you do a different diet every month for a whole year
Oi do the year of diets with Hayden blackie
To lose weight by smoking or doing meth, Greene County arkansas is known for excessive meth usage by its residents
She has lost alot of weight. Yes shes been on drugs lately, shes on that Greene county diet
When someone starts selling stuff too feed there drug habit. A minor monster diet may consist of selling ones own belongings but a real monster diet consists of selling not only ones own belongings but friends, families and any unfortunate fellow they can rob.
Ronnie: Yeah I can give you a 20-piece for that TV.
Charlie: This monster diet would starve me without you!.
A person who never wants to finish the blunt and when they do they keep it to create another blunt later
“Jack is such a diet roach”
Maya is a diet roach she loves saving them and reusing them