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donut run

a 4x400 meter race in which every time you get to the 400m mark you stop and eat a donut. you continue this until everybody but one person throws up, and you have a winner. Common with cross country and track runners, but not affiliated with the beer run.

Person 1: That was a fun donut run yesterday

Person 2: I feel bad for the person that has to clean that mess up

by Scott dfnidfgnusdn December 21, 2005

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dickin donuts

to fuck a donut

last night i had a dickin donuts and are it after i creamed it

by Cosmic Pope November 23, 2014

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Bleeding Donut

When you've had way too much hot sauce for your own good and your ass is bleeding from shitting so much. It is also so inflamed that if you were to shit just one more time you may end up in reconstructive rectum surgery.

Julie: are you ok? you've been shitting for about half an hour now, do you need an ambulance?

Damian: I ate way too many burritos last night, I swear i have a bleeding donut right now

by JulieLafleur March 18, 2010

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herts donut

familierized by family guy a punch to the face

peter:"wanna herts donut"boy:"sure"PUNCH!!!!!
peter:herts donut

by Dorian barcelo December 9, 2008

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Jelley Donut

The act of ejaculating in your partners mouth, and then punching your patner in the mouth so that the blood mixes with the semen and creates a jelley like apperance.

dude, she kept rubbing her teeth on my junk, so when i came i repaid her with a jelley donut.

by Maximus Eroticas July 4, 2011

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The Pocket Donut is your emergency food, stashed in your pocket, while having origins in a Boston Cream Donut, any food can now suffice as a pocket donut, but pastries are preferred.

"I'm not buying the movie theater candy, I brought my Pocket-Donut"

"I'm famished, I can't believe I forgot to pack a pocket donut."

by MadMuse November 9, 2014

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Maple Donut

Smearing maple syrup around a girls vagina then fucking her hard until you cum then having her lick the jizz and maple syrup off your dick.

"Tiffany is such a hoe... I heard she gave George a maple donut last night"

by Nanoturtle April 23, 2015

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