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Dry Swallowing

The salty feeling you get in the back of your throat, similar to the sensation after swallowing cum

After Jayne swallowed the salty chips, she realized that she had been dry swallowing

by TheCosmicOwl May 8, 2013

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dry water


Hey would you like some dry water?

by Xsniper1 March 12, 2017

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Towel Dry

Using your interlocked hands to rub your partner from the anus to genitalia pubis as if using a towel.

Don't towel dry me! My hemorrhoids are inflamed.

by toweldryers June 25, 2011

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dry cow

A moose that can't have any more calfs

A Girl who can't have kids

Or another meaning she is a person with no self respect

Look at that dry cow guys,she's so dirty

by Fml I'm dead anyways September 12, 2014

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Dry Rain

1) When you get the feeling that it is raining but it actually isnt.

2) When the weather is showing all of the signs of rain but it never ends up raining.

1) Tim: That's weird.
James: What?
Tim: I thought I felt rain hit me but its not raining.
James: Ha! Dry Rain!

2) Tim: Looks like rain later.
James: I hope its dry rain, I cant be arsed with a wet pitch.

by Priceylord June 7, 2011

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Similar to Upper Decker; Only, instead of doing it in upper part of the toilet, you open the door to the person's Clothes Washer and take a juicy dump, close the door, and turn the dryer on "High Heat". Walk Away smiling as you hear the distinctive "thump thump" sound. Only do "Dry Deckers" to people you don't want as future friends.

"Yeh Man, he made me so mad, I left him a Dry-Decker. When he found the dryer running a 1/2 hour later and opened it up, he realized he would have to throw the dryer away."

by Lori Kissling April 15, 2005

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hit it dry

Doing something without a main component of it. Often used in reference to smoking without lighting the smokeables.

Dude light up that joint!
Nah man we'll just hit it dry!

by diamondlifeDRY October 5, 2012

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