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Lift Fart

A silent fart that has been farted in a lift without vents and the doors are closed. It knocks people out and it smells awful if you had rotten egg curry for breakfast.

Guy who hates farts"Why are you eating 10 times more beans than usual?"
Guy who loves farts"I wanna do a lift fart"
Guy who hates farts starts selling gas masks to anyone near a lift.

by Horse Power December 26, 2016

Midget fart

A small fart that is quick and loud or quick and silent and VERY

SMELLY. or a small person aka A MOTHA FUCKIN TROLL. that is close or sitting next you that farts very loud and quick then doesnt care -.-

MAN1: dude did u hear tht fat chiks midget fart it smells like her tits!
MAN2: Ikno and shes like 4 ft tall!

by Alexvissosexy June 4, 2012

fart weevils

Small beetles with elongated snouts who are primarily drawn to flatus.

My son has been plagued since childhood by fart weevils as he is apparently a particularly hospitable host.

by Dr Bunnygirl June 19, 2021

Fart tag

A tag game where instead of tagging someone, you fart on them. That makes them "it." Then that person tries to fart on someone else.

Anyone want to play fart tag?

by Stefonfan April 5, 2015

Mom Farts

Farts that come out of your mother, usually they tend to be really loud. Note that Mom Farts do not smell whatsoever. The reason behind this has not been discovered yet.Mom farts happen when you least expect them. Although a common time for them to occur is when something very exciting happens.

also, Mom's try to deny the fact that they had just farted.

Jigglypuff: WTF Mom, did you just fart?
Mom: No.. What give's you that idea son?

Mom Farts

by TuttiPudd April 23, 2009

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warning fart

A modest toot of ass gas presaging a tuba blast, possibly heralding a morning fart.

I just let loose a warning fart,
To warn you of my morning fart,
It will not be a boring fart,
For all night I've been storing fart.

by Brjtlc April 28, 2010

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fart chair

When an office chair has been subject to that many farts, whoever sits on it is hit by a brief waft of stale fart gas.

As Leroy sat on the fart chair, he soon experienced the full bodied stench of 6 months of Bob's farts stored in the cushion.

by Leroy Tyler Brown May 14, 2016

19๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž