Gapping the field refers to having a very intense and strong last hundred meter dash in a middle distance or long distance race. This term can only be used when someone is clearly picking up pace when coming down the last 200 meter or less during a race.
"Damn Chase and Noah are gapping the field in that 800 meter race."
Seeing and/or talking tobmore than one female concurrently
Michael's girlfriend found out he was playing on more than one field.
Okie Field Day (sometimes Oklahoma Field Day)
When Oklahoma Weather shuts down the entire state! It can are caused by Tornado’s, Thunderstorms, Ice Storms, Blizzards, etc.
The News announces it’s an Okie Field Day. All State & Federal Offices shutdown. Many small businesses do as well.
1. “Hey did you hear on we’re getting an Okie Field Day?”
“I just saw it on the news! I can’t wait to stop by Wally World for a 30 Pack, then meet up at the Soft Ball Fields!”
2. I hope the blizzard hits while we’re asleep tonight! Maybe we can get an Okie Field Day tomorrow!
Ik you go to stucky middle school
im coming for you and you will die Saige Fields
Take a sexual position on an animal that you have just killed.
I shot a nice antelope and immediately field mounted it.
Is the wrestling of WHO ARE YOU?, ME
MINES as the supplantation of your very identity and reallocation of highly liquid assets.
As to be crediting my account s but hang by on forever is the attempt to siphon funds away and not give credit for merchandise returned in good faith.
People who wish you to have a nice LIFE like JAMES are still in your circles.
At the center of the MINE FIELD you know you but when others move in as you get MINES FIELD known as IDENTITY THEIFS and other special interests as one to a circle with ME IN THE MIDDLE.
Have to be careful as you can maybe trust who you meet but there are outside orbits that nay not be in your best interests as so coin the term MINES FIELD which are listening at the same time.
From BED, BATH , AND BEYOND as J EREMY purposely knocked it on the filthy floor because it wad kid stuff but by lying about going in my suitcase and stealing all the models from 2021 is another MINES FIELD circle but this one is worse than malware.Oh and JAMES SAID, you should have used their 20 percent coupon on line and more statements you have the more you see MINES FIELD.
JAMES became who I met on SCATBOI for which I was his SHITEATER at the FIESTA HOTEL (A STATIONS , WONDER WHY FERTITA has not opened that DEUTSCHE BANK property SHITE!!!! as he is in my MINESFIELD as what can I say as he said , " when you EAT MY SHIT you get my DNA". The CHAIN says " DIM MAK".
Umang: You want the definition? Go and do 5 rounds of the football Ground first
Yandu: You want the definition? Become a girl first
Bharat Sir: You want the definition? Pehle canteen se 2 burger la
Poonam Ma'am: Betuji Definition kya karogey?
John: Why all the boys of Summer Fields School score very less in Geography
Joe: Because Lord Yandu Teaches us