A dead game full of toxic nine year olds thatg spoil the game which is trying to be desperately saved by Epic Games but failing miserably due to the fact that it's totally trash.
Person1: Ayo nigga wanna play some PUBG?
Person2: Hell nah that game dead af
Person1: At least it's better than Fortnite
Person2: True Fortnite is gay
A trash game that sucks D
Hey ill kms instead of playing fortnite
A video that most boys play and VSCO girls hate it
Eww fortnite said a VSCO girl said
They gayest thing ever to exist in humanity which is praised by -5 year olds.
Hey bro Minecraft is better than fortnite.
Game for retarded children that think they're cool . No one likes them and most likely they watch Ninja .
"Do you play Fortnite ? "
"Hahahah kid "