gen is most often a girls name but if you do ever find a girl with that name keep a eye on her she's a keeper dont let her go like I did
Bro gen is so fine, have you seen gen?, hey gen how are you
Abbreviation for Genuinely/Genuine
It can be used to replace words or phrases of similar meaning such as:
No way?
Are you for real?
Fat Hurley: I just ate a salad
Ali License: Gen??!!
Gens are the craziest people you will ever meet . They’re so hyper but after a while they get so deep and when they care about somehting they get so driven to complete or get it out. They give a lot of Great boy advice but never use it themselves . They have big foot fetishes
Gen/gens Plural (gentes) was a roman group or family, who shared the same Nomen(gentile name) or were claimed to be descended from the same person.
Gens Flavia did achieve a consul status until Gaius Flavius (yes that was his name)