A jiggly, saggy, and flubby bum. Most wannabe skinny girls have them.
Wow, look at her jelly-bum!
Yea, it’s really saggy today...
Very peng specimen who is a real one, never heated and not a snale. Respectful but hates gingers called Harry.
The Jelly Curve is whatcha say when yah duhnt know whatta say
Guy 1: Yo spitz, what’s the nizatch?
Guy 2: I duhnts man, Jelly Curve
To add something extra. Can be used positively or negatively.
She didn't just let me smash. She slapped the jelly on it with thewhipped cream and shit.
My mom trippin, I did all my chores then she gonna slap the jelly on it right before I head out.
Known to have a head that looks like it's been squashed in a vice
"Who's the cunt with the head working on me truck doing the Horton fan" , that's jelly bean man, " Ah yeah but whys he taken the gearbox out?"
"Don't hassle the jelly bean, he's really good at what he does "
A term directed towards homosexual Mexicans.
“Get these damn Jelly Beans out of my country!”
When you are just fucking around on a normal sortie.
That dumb ass was just jelly dicking around!