a sexual act in which one uses a mail slot as a glory hole
The lascivious postal worker reaccepted George's "junk mail".
Obscure sexual act in which a mailbox slot is used as a glory hole
John: "Dude, i totally did a Junk Mail on Mary's house!"
Matt: "Haha that's a sick prank!"
the obscure sexual act referring to gloryholing through a mailbox slot in someone's door. first refereed to in cyanide and happiness comic #2373
steve: hows the mailman going john?
john: awesome, dropped off my package in my neighbor's door yesterday, gave them some junk mail.
steve:aw, tha's nastyyy.
Glory holing through a mail slot.
Did you hear that tom totally junk mailed linda last nite!
Gloryholing through a mailbox slot.
Guy 1: So you get yo dick sucked last night?
Guy 2: Yeah, but i didn't feel like looking at her face so I junk mailed her.
Taking a part roaches to make a bussa.
Roll dis Junk Funk real quick we boutta get smacked on dead dawgs