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lemon eater

somebody that cheats on their significant other

(cheating can be in the form of emotional and/or physical), while continuing to lead on other people for their own benefit, these are the worst type of people. They are most commonly known as douchebags and/or psychopaths.

person #1: hey what did you call jen the other day?
person #2: oh, she's a cheater cheater lemon eater!

by definitionsforgags June 2, 2019

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Lemon Heights

An area in Northern unincorporated Tustin, it is home to some of the most wealthy and prominent families in the area. Lemon Heights is located in the hilly section of Tustin, though many houses there contain the postal address of Santa Ana. It should also be noted that another upperclass community near Lemon Heights is Cowan Heights, also located in Orange County. Lemon Heights is an ideal place to live, if you can afford it.

I have family in Lemon Heights, who have had their homes photographed for magazines.

by Shu-Shank November 15, 2007

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Squeeze The Lemon

The art of accelerating through a yellow light in the hopes of making the light. This practice often results in getting pinched by red light cams and horrific wrecks.

Hey Jeff, I squeeze the lemon at the I29 and Benson intersection whenever possible cuz that light takes fo eva.

by Thanus July 24, 2008

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Lemon Creampie

A Lemon Creampie is the sexual act where the man gives a girl a creampie, then pisses in it right afterwards.

I gave my girl a Lemon Creampie

by moloc77 January 14, 2009

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Lemon Sneaky

Originating from the term "Don't be cheaky! Lemon Sneaky" and was thus shortened to just "Lemon sneaky" to refer to anything remotely cheaky.

The term can be further shortened to "Lemon" or "Sneaky" singularly

Jess "When we went to town the other night, Emily got lemoned and Dan was being lemon sneaky with some guy on the dancefloor!"

by iamdanj July 15, 2009

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Lemon Squeeze

A sexual maneuver where the woman, or person on the bottom, takes their partners nutsack, twists it arround twice (producing a swollen and textured scrotum, much like a lemon), and then proceeds to shove it into said partners anus.

Carefully twisting Roberts hairy scrotum, Megan roughly inserted it deep into his, preforming the elusive Lemon Squeeze.

by AlexTheGreat August 2, 2007

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lemon heads

Little rolled up balls of toliet paper left on a womans vagina from wiping after urination.

Honey, we need to get Charmin Ultra this cheap toliet paper is giving me lemon heads!

by Internal Defect December 3, 2005

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