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Cookie McDonald

6 foot 5 240 upcoming professional pornstar. On his way to dominating Jonny Sinns. Body count, whatever he wants. Overall big baller at Montgomery high school

Damn cookie McDonald fucked my girl, sister, mom, and grandma at the same time.

by Sarms goblin November 16, 2021

Paula McDonald

1.A unicorn. Something magical. 2. Infamous 3.Loyal 4.Innocent

I've heard of Paula McDonald before......., There is this one girl named Paula McDonald, .....,

by MuthrBeepDre December 31, 2022

McDonalds Opp

When a person says they dont want McDonalds, but the boys know for damn sure he does, but walks to Taco Bell and brings his food into McDonalds and gets booted out like a good boy.

Mizz a McDonalds opp for walking to Taco Bell when the gang was already at McDonalds

"I dont want McDonalds, I want Taco Bell"
"Bruh cap we know yo ass want some McDonalds big ahh boy"

by Captain Talon January 10, 2025

grace mcdonald

Literally a sapphic goddess, honestly she is such a queen. This person knows what they want to do with their life and is a good person. They have many friends and an amazing support system.

Grace McDonald is such a sapphic goddess

by Ggmomo November 23, 2020

Cora Mcdonald

She is the best Friend I could ever ask for and she’s always there when I need her.

Someone: Who is Cora Mcdonald?
Me: the sweetest and most beautiful friend I have.

by Cora McDonald February 1, 2022

McDonald’s cold fries

When you stick Popsicles in pigeons, throw them off of buildings, and hope they fly.

Person: “ did Dan just McDonald’s cold fries that pigeon?”

by Gdbnknbbcc October 10, 2021

McDonalds chick

a girl (probably your girlfriend) that will sit in mcdonalds and eat with you with joy.

Robert: There goes Conrad with his McDonalds chick

Andrew: Damn! he's soo lucky having someone that will eat McDonald's with him, I wish i could be him.

by Polish Troll B4L March 2, 2011