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michael or mike they are jerks. they might care about you at first but turn on you and move to the next person.

Girl 1:why are you crying?
Girl 2:did you date another michael?
Girl 3: yes...
Girl 1:i told you not to trust them! they break hearts!

by mylunatuna July 30, 2012

24πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


An online term used to describe a homosexual new to the gay community. Newcomers are named 'Michael's.' Terminology used frequently in gay chat rooms. This term would be applied to males whom appear more feminine in personality or appearance. Can also be applied to transgenders.

We welcomed 'Michael' into our community.

by TxTnks October 24, 2007

259πŸ‘ 463πŸ‘Ž


he likes water

michael likes water

by beansontoast21 May 4, 2022


mr brightside <3 someone so sweet and caring, so nice to everyone and a great person to know and talk to

β€œhey dude do you know michael?”

β€œhow could i not? he’s the best ever”

by puppyslvt March 10, 2022


A michael is someone who is tough and never backs down from a fight, but is sensitive and meaningful on the inside. He's seen as somebody you can trust and is reliable to the ones he loves most and his girlfriend sexy af. also got a fat dick and pounds good. His banter is unbeatable and there isnt going to be someone else the same as him - his smile is the most attractive thing you could fall in love with and hes seen as a loyal person who you will never get bored off. can be a dick sometimes but the memories you make with him will never be forgotten. also plays overly good at any game smh. also will roast the shit out of you ion every sarcastic form possible. luv u michael hehe.

michael looks like patrick from spongebob lmfao

by bigbootyhoe2.1 November 14, 2020


a person who is annoying but always there for me...


by Rio Is Handsome September 3, 2021


Michaeling is when someone misses all of there shots in game (usually done by a guy named Michael)

"Michael cant stop michaeling" or "why are you michaeling?"

by im not michaeling July 7, 2020