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dropping more eggs then the easter bunny

When a woman is having her period

Did you hook up last night? No she was dropping more eggs then the Easter bunny

by 2themoon April 30, 2018

Is it possible for Ben to love Jay more

Yes it is.

I love you more
No you don’t
Yes i do.
Is it possible for Ben to love Jay more

by Dogbun465 July 5, 2021

More cheek than a baboon's arse

1. when one uses up all their charm to get something, then asks for a little bit more.
2. when someone of the younger elk gives the big lip to an older work mate

1. 'Daddy can i have some cash for the shops?' give her the cash, she then says 'what about the busfare?' tell her mother later she's got more cheek than a baboon's arse

2.see that young lenny borrowed my 13 millie without asking, more cheek than a baboon's arse

by McBoyd October 16, 2007

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Dont Wanna Watch Bumbaclaude No More

When your too wasted to even function; usually said with a jamacian accent.

I drank that whole fifth by myself...i dont wanna watch bumbaclaude no more

by Tyler Solis August 31, 2007

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I wanted more power to win!

This means that basically Integrator and Boomser are cockarses who cant even buy Macdonalds and watch out, they will glock your kneecaps off.

"Stupid cockslapping dickmunchers, go suck some cawk"

by yEE March 19, 2003

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that's very interesting tell me more

if you use this sentence the speaker then knows you don't give a shit about his or her speech and that you want to die

9 Year Old Kid: and then I got so many v-bucks *flexes*
Me: oh that's very interesting tell me more

by budgetsheep February 19, 2019

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More high than two kites

To be extremely high on pills especially after taking two hydrocodone. In the dark one may think their sleep, in another place,and wake up mad. They may also be sitting and actually think their driving.

Man, I think im already in Virginia. Oh goddamnit im in Chicago, What the fuck is im doin here. Im more high than two kites.

by De'Nikta September 23, 2007

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