AU spam is when someone from a certain fandom spams a AU. This could be Art, writing or even just talking about it to get attention example;
Person 1; Hey guys ima go get some food BRB!
Person 2; Hey guys I need some ideas for my au it’s about insert AU here
Person 2 is a AU spammer. If You do this stop. It’s really annoying
Hey why does Eddie AU spam so much?
I don’t know he just wants attention
When you have hundreds of unread mail.
Sorry no examples of unread mail spam
Watch this instead:
removed link
Ball spamming is when you spam jump in Geometry Dash
Dude 1: I keep on dying, maybe it's because of too much ball spam?
Dude 2: I think you should jump less.
A youtube channel posting the same video about 5 times a day to maximize viewership. These are usually youtube shorts channels.
“I hate Spam YouTube Channels”
“Just press the ‘do not recommend channel button.”
A YouTuber who uploads 3 to 5 videos a day to make as much YouTube AdSense as possible usually not quality or up the Smurf videos average at best
Mundanematt is a Spam Youtube Channel
Any specific types of production which are analogous to the success of green RPG middle earth smart phone games: duplicated to insignificance due to little copyright restriction.
e.g., fps zombie games, counter-strike clones, Minecraft clones, single board computers, 3d printers, generic android phones, smartwatches, cheap TV/handheld emulator consoles.
The electric car market is green spam, there are more cars out than there are buyers.
When somebody defecates in their hands whilst standing up in the shower and then throws it into the toilet.
I had an urge to take a dump in the shower and decided instead of a good old fashioned wafflestomp, I'd throw a couple of Spam-Javelin instead