We’re having Otter Lake steak for supper tonight.
super drunk. so drunk you'll probably become hungry and order the most questionable of meal that can be delivered to your door.
Hahhhh im steak sauced, OOOH pasta pizza bowl.
the head of a penis of a males private part
I put the steak tip in her mouth. It was so good
An 8 oz dollar steak served at a strip club extra rare.
I knew it was that time of the month when mike walked in and ordered the hatchet steak, he chose the crab appetizer which was half off
A seasoning containing a variety of herbs and spices. Can be used on many different meats from beef to poultry. Usually used by people that are not good at cooking and commonly used on chicken and rice.
Man Zachary is using montreal steak seasoning again? He must on be a basic bitch.
a conservative term for "Fuck off Asshole!", when children present.
1st person: Your momma is so poor i saw her kicking a can down the street and i said 'what bitch, you movin?'
2nd person: Eat a steak
Something the president of Brazil promised us.
person 1: the president promised us Rump steak
person 2: it never came