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Big Pete

the most gangsta most coolest brother out there

damn i wish i was as cool as Big Pete

by June 7, 2022

pete web

pete web hahhaha mario web hahahhaa

haha pete web

by Raexer May 21, 2021

Pete's Type

Pete’s type is a girl that likes Pete. Or to expand it could be a girl that might like Pete.

It therefore could be used in a derogatory way towards girls that are not ‘fortunate’ looking as they could be ‘Pete’s type’

It could also be aimed at rather over weight girls that may of course be looking for a Pete and again therefore ‘Pete’s type’

Bubble's from Little Britain is definitely Pete's Type.

by Bubble love June 10, 2011

Creamy Pete

Chicken Pie topped with Greek Yoghurt and a little bit of parsley.

Dad: hey son want a creamy pete
Son: fuck you dad i want mcdonalds bitch

by Slimy Meg December 6, 2024

Slippery Pete

A male who is willing to wait in the lurch for his roommate to take a momentary sex break; only then to seize the moment and seamlessly slide in sex with the unknowing woman.

God damn Jimmy, pulled a slippery Pete on me and started banging my chick when I went to get water!

by Kozbot December 1, 2017

petes ya


damn, that was some good petes ya

by goobzy June 25, 2015


A dad who acts like a peadofile who makes their son swallow sausages on a regular basis. Also his name is Pete

Mate your dad is such a Pete-O-File

by Dick does butt October 30, 2018

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