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boner phone

The secret mobile telephone you utilize for porn viewing pleasure. Typically this phone has a larger screen with sticky smudge marks across the screen.

"Man its a good thing my I use incognito mode on my boner phone, my girlfriend would be horrified knowing what I watch to beat off"

by Lee Keydong April 22, 2015

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Boner Phone

An expression used when one unexpectedly encounters something especially stupid or ridiculous out of their control. The person mimics a ringing noise, pretends to answer a pantomimed phone and says, "it's the boner phone, and it's for you."

after finishing the hunger games series "Ring, ring! It's the boner phone, and it's for you."

by vistalover March 30, 2012

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drinking and phoning

to talk on the phone drunk whilist drunk and talking nonsense while speaking nonsense.

I was talking on the phone drinking and phoning, the fast food place laughed at my order, and nothing arrived

by im not a mouse April 20, 2008

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Soulular phone

A term created by Soulshaping author Jeff Brown, the Soulular phone is your pipeline to divinity, connecting your individual path to Universal Consciousness. When it rings, be sure to answer it. It's the divine Mother calling to remind you of the next step on your journey. The more inner work you have done to clear the lines, the clearer the connection.

I was really confused about the next step on my life's path and then I heard the soulular phone ring. I answered it and I knew what to do next.

by Soleshaper April 12, 2014

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coyote phone

Derived from Coyote Ugly:

This occurs when you give someone your phone number when
You are under the influence (drugs or alcohol). Then you get a call from that person the next day. Now you don't remember what they looked like.

Jane went to the bar and got drunk. She met this guy after drinking way too much. He asked for her number so she gave it to him. The next morning she got a call from this guy who said they were talking last night and he wants to get together. Jane has no idea who this guy is or what he looks like. Jane has been a victim of a coyote phone.

by Tony Virelli July 11, 2006

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phantom phone

when vibrations are felt or ringing are heard when one is without cellphone or cellphone is silenced.

AH! I felt my phone vibrate against my leg. .. except i have no phone in my pocket. . !!! THE PHANTOM PHONE!

by drewskizzle November 10, 2008

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I phone

A phone that is better than any other phone

What kind of phone you got an iPhone wow a i phone what is better than any phone

by Big puss puss October 18, 2019

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