when someone punches you so hard it causes physical or brain damage and makes you look like one ugly mother fucker
damn George has just been nuclear punched
shame he looks like one ugly mother fucker now
A very unattractive woman
Some bro: dude, that chick is ugly!
Andrew: she's about as appealing as a punched muffin
May cause broken rib, and or intense bitching. Other side affects include pain all the fucking time.
I milner punched charlie and broke his rib.
The act of thanking someone by physically punching them in the face.
I loved hearing what my boss had to say about my performance at work, so obliged him with a danke punch.
When your homie hits you and it doesn’t hurt, just itches.
We got drunk the other night and Lucy gave me that itchy punch right on the arm.
When you get a strong overwhelming feeling in your stomach and you have to poop like someone punched you in the stomach.
I was drinking my morning coffee when all the sudden I got dumper punched in my stomach and had to run to the bathroom.
Best method for sponge punch "You've got to punch the sponge to plunge the clunge" -Gavin Free