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Russian Burrito

Also known as the Belarusian Tortilla, the Russian Burrito is the foremost sexual maneuver that satisfies both the libido, and the appetite. The act itself involves a Prokofiev MP3, a fifth of Smirnoff Ice (preferably Raspberry flavour) and a third of can of refried beans. Executed to perfection, the gentleman caller must pour the beans into his lover's tortilla flaps (labia minora), and douse it with back-washed girly vodka. Follow this up with a solid donkey blow to her spinebone and voila- a tasty, homemade Russian Burrito.

After school, I gave the headmaster's daughter a Russian Burrito. Her bony spine hurt my knuckles.

by Dingle Barry February 9, 2009

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Being Russian

The act of being Russian or overall bad-ass

Not Russian 1: Dude who is that.
Not Russian 2: O that is Dmitri hes Russian.
Not Russian 1: Dude he is such a bad-ass.
Not Russian 2: He is Being Russian duh.

by A Flying Russky March 19, 2012

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Russian Tuxedo

tracksuit, warmups

Joke is that Russians and other Eastern Bloc citizens are too poor to afford real tuxedos, and if they need to dress up for something they put on a track suit.

The basketball team looked very regal in their Russian tuxedos during practice.

by jesushchrist1 March 31, 2014

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Russian Pincher

When a person kicks you in the crotch, striking you between the balls, pushing them to opposing side, thus "pinching" your nuts. This is specifically a good phrase to use when a Russian woman named Olga performs the act.

Damn that Olga... She gave me the old Russian Pincher

by lulzcannon January 1, 2008

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russian screwjob

A male sucking his own penis while getting a rim job from a girl

Verb. Cody had a Russian screwjob with Sydney

by Death trap97 January 17, 2019

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Russian Fatso


-2 parts vodka
-Shit ton of Doublestuf oreos
-Splash of milk

Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and enjoy.

Damn, I'm tryin' to go ham on a couple of Russian Fatsos tonight before the club.

by fatso_joe December 14, 2010

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russian slapper

the process of spreading a humans butt cheeks cumming on the gouch and then slapping the cheeks together so it squirts back on you

Last night i gave my mother a russian slapper.

by Steven L January 26, 2009

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