A person who goes by the name of "The Seven Goddess." Most people think he is a female, but he is not female, he is instead a Seven.
Jesus Christ: Hey Seven Goddess, what's your favorite color?
The Seven Goddess: Seven.
It is pronounced as "qiba" in Chinese, and it sounds similar to "jiba" in Chinese, which means penis, and Chinese people often use penis as a swear world, so every time they want to swear but without using the real bad word, they will use "qiba", which is seven eight to instead.
Rude way: You are so jiba stupid
Polite way: You are so qiba(seven eight) stupid
when you are high beyond belief
"Hey Tyler, how are you feeling?"
"About seven and a half"
Being someone’s seven minutes or being in someone’s seven minutes. Psychology says when you die, you are still partially conscious and your brain reviews the best parts of your life for seven minutes. If somebody says that to you, it means you have impacted them in a good way to the point they'll remember you at death.
“You’re my seven minutes.” He said to me.
Five and Seven are 6emes who are very annoying and like to copie the older people in the group
God Five and Seven are really fooking annoying
A term used to describe a guy who doesn't last long in bed
Girl A: So I slept with Joe last night
Girl B: OMG how was he?
Girl A: He be a seven second warrior