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Gorilla Slam

Verb - Similar to a Gorllia Toss with exception. the girl does not fly out the window instead, the girl is launched into a closed door. Bounces off the closed door and finding the floor with he head ready for another round of pound.

Dude I gorilla slammed your chick so bad last night her coccyx broke!

by Member of Burgundy Bulldogs January 8, 2009

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Clam Slammed

When you join a team of clams on playstation network and the rip you apart with insults and annoying sound effects. One of the team mates falls asleep before the raid ends.

We wiped so many times last night. I got clam slammed

by Evilredbeerd January 13, 2020

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gravity slam

To climb up in the walls of a bathroom stall and poop from at least 4 feet above said stall. Accuracy isn't really encouraged.

The bros and I all went to micky d's to get a McGreavy and gravity slam.

by Blood_spartan September 7, 2007

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Slam Dunk

Noun - A person who has testes and a vagina, but has no penis.

My friend DPC is a Slam Dunk!

by K and M Pimpius August 28, 2006

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Slam Pumps

A phrase used by young men to define the act of sex with a female. Preferably with A: A younger girl than oneself or B: With a cougar on the prowl. Slam Pumps are usually a sexual act where there is no emotional commitment or drama the next day. Best case scenario you don't remember your partners name the next day or care, and neither does she.

"Dude, we went to the bar last night hooked up with two cougars, went back to their yacht and got slam pumps all night long!"

Or in a text a simple: SLAM PUMPS LAST NIGHT!

by The Wharf Rat September 6, 2008

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Slamming of the knees

To knock boots, shag, hump, fuck, stick it, pound the mound, poke it, intercourse

Last night....Lisa came to my Dojo and I slammed her knees

by Booker June 10, 2004

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Slam Dunk

Random acts of Duncan. Everybody knows a dude named Duncan that is wildly unpredictable. A "Slam Dunk" is an action, or an opinion, that is not beneficial to society. Slam Dunks are usually ridiculed for being so out of place and detrimental to a good time (ie: parties, epic Facebook threads, and conversations), but have been known to produce laughs. In general, Slam Dunks are usually a bad thing.

In speech, "Slam Dunk" is usually used before or after the word "Bitch"

Dude 1: "We had this post on our Facebook group. It had a thousand comments on it, but Duncan deleted it"
Dude 2: "What!? Why'd you do it, man?"
Duncan: "It was my post bitch... Slam Dunk!"

Dude 1: "Did Duncan just walk through the drive-thru?"
Dude 2: "Yes sir... Slam Dunk"

Dude 1: "Hey Duncan, How was Spring Break?"
Duncan: "Well, I don't remember half of it, so.... Slam Dunk, bitch"

by W3B5T3R April 16, 2013

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